Algebraic K-theory

Results: 356

111Algebraic geometry / Cohomological invariant / Chow group / Cohomology / Divisor / Torsor / tale cohomology / Algebraic K-theory / Principal homogeneous space / Algebraic cycle / Rost invariant / Motivic cohomology

521 Documenta Math. Geometric Methods for Cohomological Invariants Pierre Guillot

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Language: English - Date: 2007-12-20 16:55:40
112Homotopy theory / Category theory / Algebraic topology / K-theory / Ring theory / KK-theory / Simplicial set / Model category / Algebraic K-theory / Algebra homomorphism / Algebra over a field / Spectrum of a ring

1207 Documenta Math. Algebraic Kasparov K-theory. I Grigory Garkusha

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Language: English - Date: 2014-12-03 06:40:02
113Homotopy theory / Simplicial set / Algebraic K-theory / Weak equivalence / Simplicial map / Ring / Model category / Draft:K-theory of a category

457 Documenta Math. The Additivity Theorem in Algebraic K -Theory Daniel R. Grayson

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Language: English - Date: 2011-06-26 06:06:53
114Field theory / Class field theory / Algebraic number theory / Iwasawa theory / Kummer theory / Commutative algebra

Pseudo-null submodules of the unramified Iwasawa module for Z2p -extensions Satoshi Fujii (Keio Univ.) 1. Introduction Let k/Q be a fixed finite abelian extension and p a fixed prime number.

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Language: English - Date: 2008-11-03 17:53:06
115Conjectures / K-theory / Surgery theory / Group theory / FarrellJones conjecture / Homotopy theory / BaumConnes conjecture / Equivariant cohomology / Algebraic K-theory / Isomorphism / Equivariant K-theory / HNN extension

Isomorphism Conjecture for homotopy K-theory and groups acting on trees Arthur Bartels∗and Wolfgang L¨ uck† Fachbereich Mathematik Universit¨at M¨

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Language: English - Date: 2011-03-02 09:33:00
116Model theory / Category theory / Differential topology / Embedding / Order theory / Structure / Sigma-algebra / Decomposition of spectrum

761 Documenta Math. A Bound for the Torsion in the K -Theory of Algebraic Integers

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Language: English - Date: 2003-12-23 07:52:18
117Homotopy theory / Homological algebra / Ring theory / Algebraic geometry / Category theory / Model category / Derived category / Algebraic K-theory / Homotopy category / Triangulated category / Morita equivalence / Ring

Graduate Student Seminar Winter Term: K-Theory and Derived Equivalences Mark Ullmann The program for the graduate student seminar next term is the paper “K-Theory and derived equivalences” by Daniel Dugger an

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Language: English - Date: 2009-02-18 07:12:09
118Commutative algebra / Algebraic topology / Ring theory / Polynomials / Homotopy theory / Polynomial ring / EilenbergMacLane space / Hopf algebra / Binomial coefficient / Steenrod algebra

THE PERIODIC HOPF RING OF CONNECTIVE MORAVA K-THEORY J. MICHAEL BOARDMAN, RICHARD L. KRAMER, AND W. STEPHEN WILSON Abstract. Let K(n)∗ (−) denote the n-th periodic Morava K-theory for any fixed odd prime p. Let k(n)

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Language: English - Date: 2014-03-30 15:19:14
119Homotopy theory / Algebraic topology / K-theory / Algebraic geometry / Cohomology / J-homomorphism / Adams operation / Cohomology theories / Topological K-theory / Michael Atiyah

Research Seminar of the GRK 1150 Homotopy and Cohomology (WS): The J-homomorphism and the Adams conjecture Organizers: Johannes Ebert; Gerald Gaudens Talk 1. (G´erald Gaudens) Introduction to K-theory and over

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Language: English - Date: 2008-11-17 07:59:04
120Homotopy theory / Algebraic topology / Adams spectral sequence / Cohomology / Homotopy groups of spheres / Complex cobordism / Steenrod algebra / Spectrum / LubinTate formal group law / Cobordism / Elliptic curve / Homotopy group

K(2)-local power operations in Lubin-Tate cohomology

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Language: English - Date: 2014-06-11 05:39:32